Monday, 2 May 2011

2011 Audi a1 Car preview and wallpapers

The Audi A1 is a sportback vehicle which comes with both quality and cutting edge style. Pre-equipped with a 1.4 liter TFSI engine creating or 110 kW, or 150 horsepower, and is quite powerful for a hybrid vehicle.

Along with the TFSI engine, and a 27 horsepower electric motor which is combined within the vehicle’s drivetrain, gives it an extra 110.63 lbs-ft of torque during acceleration. The TFSI and electric motors work simultaneously when accelerating, and allows performance when it’s needed. Audi A1New Audi A12009 Audi A1Well Audi has now released a video of new video with Peter Schwarzenbauer, Member of the Board of Management for Marketing and Sales at Audi AG speaking about the new vehicle and how the automaker expects to sell 80,000 units in its first year.


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